Real news. Real perspectives. Curated and written by real people.

Don’t let Zuck or Musk control your feed.

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The best points from liberal and conservative media in a 5-minute digest each weekday morning
Deep Dive every other Sunday with additional background on a topic
The Flip Side Forum where you can share your perspectives and have healthy discussions with other community members

What our members are saying:

“It's my favorite thing to read every morning.”
“I'm a newsletter editor at Philly's NPR station, and I would die to get my editorial team to produce work like this.”
"... gets me thinking more about right and wrong, instead of right and left."
“Keeps me grounded in reality and not just in my bubble.”
“I work in state government and my office sometimes shares the flip side so we know what to expect from constituents. So, thank you!”
“After loving the weekly recaps, I now LOVE these deep dives. A group of friends and I try to have very nuanced conversations about tough topics as practice for real world discussions and stuff like this is extremely helpful! We had a conversation around abortion a while back actually and could have used foundational information like this.”
“I teach Government to 11th & 12th graders and it’s my go to for their current event evaluations. Keep it up.”
“I teach principles of organizational communication and interpersonal communication to young military officers and I like to use the Flip Side to discuss audience attitudes toward various news topics. It’s very useful and it’s a nice, quick read of different sentiments.”
“I use this for my Civics and Constitutional Law course. The Flip Side does not only meet, but goes beyond expectations. Thank you!”
“I am so excited that you have implemented this Forum! I’ve been using it for the past few weeks, and it’s truly wonderful to be able to have these reasoned discussions with others who are as passionate about improving our systems as I am.”
“For the first time, I feel heard and not shouted down. It's refreshing to participate in dialogue that values all perspectives.”
“I'm impressed by the thoughtful intellectual comments.”

Whether you are a...

The Flip Side is for you

Logo of Ballotpedia
Geoff Pallay
Editor-in-chief of Ballotpedia
“In a time where it is hard to cut through the noise, I enjoy opening up The Flip Side each morning to see an aggregate collection of various viewpoints on major issues.”
Logo of the Heterodox Academy
Debra Mashek
Executive Director, Heterodox Academy
“In a polarized world flooded with soundbites and quick takes, The Flip Side delivers daily a much-needed dose of constructive engagement with views from across the ideological spectrum. The Flip Side demonstrates the value of multiple perspectives when trying to understand the nuances of our complex world.”
Logo of the Ronal Reagan Presidential Fondation & Institute
Anthony Pennay
Chief Learning Officer, Ronald Reagan Foundation
“In his farewell address, President Reagan cited the need for ‘an informed patriotism.’ Too often, informed in the modern world means fully immersed in a bubble. For our democracy to thrive, the next generation of citizens needs to be able to critically examine issues from multiple points of view. The Flip Side is a quick, easy way to develop that habit, and get beyond the bubble.”

The Flip Side is on a mission to bridge the gap between liberals and conservatives.

Every day, our cross-partisan team combs through dozens of sources – left, right, and center. We focus on one topic and select the most thoughtful and well-articulated points to highlight in a 5-minute digest. While our newsletter is already making a tangible difference in people’s lives – helping them understand and connect with family, friends, or coworkers with whom they disagree – we always knew it was just the first step.

We’ve spent the past two years researching and speaking with engineers, designers, academics, and community moderators about how best to design an online community where meaningful discussions can take place. Our newly launched Forum uses human-centered design and a proprietary ranking algorithm to reward thoughtfulness and bipartisanship, rather than trolling or clickbait. Pioneering a new approach to news and user-generated content, we are not ‘just’ another platform, but rather curators of content and conversations.

A less divided future begins with all of us getting on the same page – literally.