February 23, 2024

Kansas City Shooting

Eight children were among 22 people hit by gunfire in a shooting at the end of [last] Wednesday’s parade to celebrate the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl win, authorities said… One of those victims — a mother of two identified by her radio station as a DJ — was killed.” AP News

Two men charged with murder in last week’s shooting after the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade were strangers who pulled out guns and began firing within seconds of starting an argument… Missouri prosecutors said at a news conference that Lyndell Mays, of Raytown, Missouri, and Dominic Miller, of Kansas City, Missouri, have been charged with second-degree murder.” AP News

See past issues

From the Right

The right argues that additional gun control laws would not have prevented the shooting.

From the Left

The left argues that further gun restrictions and enforcement are necessary to prevent shootings.

The left argues that further gun restrictions and enforcement are necessary to prevent shootings.

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